Athletes, elite performers and high achievers can often struggle with their relationship to food, body and exercise. These relationships we all have can be so intertwined with our performance and self-worth. It’s complicated trying to pull the pieces apart and form a healthy relationship with oneself but it’s absolutely possible!
If you find yourself struggling with:
- Frequent dieting or obsessive calorie counting
- Rigid food restriction or skipping meals
- Feeling anxiety, guilt or shame about certain foods or food in general
- Obsessive exercising or exercise to “punish” for overeating
- Bingeing and/or purging
- Self-worth or self-esteem because of your weight or body shape and weight
- Feeling out of control around food
… then you may be suffering from disordered eating or potentially an eating disorder.
For athletes, elite performers and high achievers, recovery can seem daunting. While it is a challenging process, I’m committed to navigate the journey along side you – I fully believe that people can heal their relationships with food, body and exercise and ultimately, themselves.
If you’re struggling with disordered eating or an eating disorder and need support and guidance, please reach out today to schedule!